Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cards, Goddesses, Drums

Lately I have been having little thoughts of things that I really REALLY want and also NEED for my path.  It is not the people that live in my head, it is really things that I think would be of great help to me.
Doreen Virtue GoddessGuidance OracleCards for just one thing, these are beautiful and will help me connect with Goddess and learn more about them.
are they not just beautiful!
Also, must to the pain it is going to cause my son and my neighbours I want and need a drum!
Djembe Drums I want one, any size the energies raised with these babies especially in a drum circle are amazing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to have that deck, but I gave it to my sister. It is a beautiful deck and served me well.