Sunday, August 22, 2010

Am I a real live witch?

  1. I love trees, rocks, rivers, streams, lakes, woods and flowers
  2. I own 3 cats who are very close to me
  3. I own a caldron
  4. I burn incense
  5. I do own a black hat
  6. I wear a pentacle always and understand it stands for Earth Air Water Fire and Spirit It is a 5 pointed star, the lines are all intact. A pentagram incased in a circle.
  7. I can't fly except in my dreams but as a kid I use to invision myself flying over my house, over my school just everywhere, I really though I could do it!  I do own a besom it is a fairy besom the handle is Rowan wood and the bristles are lavendar, sweetgrass and other herbs.
  8. I believe strongly in the duality of Gods & Goddess' The Sun & The Moon
  9. I have been Maiden, Mother and now am entering the Crone (The Triple Goddess)
  10. The Full moon has always called me just like water, rain, storms etc.
  11. I have collected sparkling rocks all my life, to the point of the drawer bottoms would fall out and my parents would get so mad lol now I collect crystals and stones that call me now.
Just a little fun by me.


Laurie K said...

I always knew you! A good witch though Glenda! <3<3<3

Dede said...

The full moon will be calling tomorrow. Keeping fingers crossed for a nice dry evening. How are your knees doing? Have you heard anything from the doctors yet? Wishing you a beautiful week!
