Thursday, October 12, 2006

The online needlework show is on! I have entered 5 designs this time, the most I have done so far. I hope I get enough sales to cover the price of the spots I took. You can see my designs here, Cross/Stitchery Shop Designs, The tell your LNS that you want the first 5 designs giggle~

Life has been crazy here, I missed a full day of work this week with what I thought was a cold, but turns out to be chest, ear, throat and sinus infection!! The med's make me sleep, which is good, but I hope like heck they keep me awake at work as I have to go tomorrow night. I am still loving my job, but have such a problem with it cutting into my stitching and designing time. This Sunday I am putting models together for my stitchers and hope to have a bunch of them back soon.

Kids are doing great, Joey is loving highschool, Mike of course doesn't lol but that is really not much news there. I miss some of my friends from my old stitching groups CSO and CSOE luckily I hear from a few of them and that makes me feel good. I hope they are all doing well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the new designs. LOL My mom cursed me too and I do have one just like me lol. They are great hun.
