Friday, February 03, 2012

PBP 2012 Week 5 'Cc'

Today's blog is brought to you by the letter Cc
In my world C is surely for Cross Stitch.  Next week will be Crafts.
This is a very fun week for me, I don't cross stitch as much as I use to, but I am still designing.  I usually have candles lit on my mantle, sit in my chair and watch TV at the same time as stitching or listen to books on tape. I have a deep calling to design Wiccan/Pagan designs and as you will see at the end I have a few lol  The biggest issue is, there isn't a distributor for these designs probably because of the stigma of the 'Craft'.  I feel a deep connection to the God and Goddess when I am designing, it is like they are pushing me on to do more, it is a wonderful feeling!  I learned in a stone reading that in several of my past lives I was a teacher of crafts both Pagan and main stream, I just thought I was following my Mother, Father and Grandmothers. When I am stitching I do say many prayers over the piece especially if it is a gift for someone or if it is something I am going to hang in my home.  From picking the fabric the tread colours to putting in each stitch I am putting my intentions into the piece and of course this is a type of witchcraft in it's basic form.  Here are some pictures of my designs, I will show you the stitched pieces first followed by the too be stitched.  I hope you enjoy, BB
Believe in Yourself


Triple Goddess 
Goddess Within

Night Prayer

Elements cloth

Dash of Magick

Elements prayer

Time for Samhain

Jack o' lantern

Yule Joy Love

Steps to Enlightenment

Good yule

Yule Freebie

Shine your light

Favorite day of the year


Altar Cloth

As above
so below

Element Symbols

Eternal Love

let it pass through

Love and light

The Horned God

The Triple Goddess

Who Carry my Key

Wiccan Rede short version

Witchcraft Forever!


Harzgeist said...

This is beautiful! I wish I could to something as nice as this, but all I keep achieving is sticking the needle into my fingers ;-)

Tiffany said...

I love the triple goddess and the goddess within...marvelous work deary!

Anonymous said...

As above, so below. Love it!

Heather aka stitchwitched said...

I would *L*O*V*E* the chart for "A Dash of Magick" ... and perhaps a few others someday, too. How might I go about obtaining it/them?

Have you considered being in or already been in the Online Needlework Show? I've seen pagan needlework designers work there in the past (maybe you could even share a booth with another pagan designer). Also, I know Stitches'N'Things in Michigan isn't afraid to carry pagan charts; I've long wondered if the owner might even lean our way.