Monday, December 06, 2010

New Doctor

Well I met with my new Doctor this morning, Dr. Michael Amit Rana.  He is young and very smart.  I like his thoughts on healing the whole person.  He did his undergrad work in mental health and is all about healing the body and the mind as one.  He isn't into writing prescriptions and has a drop in style of practice that way if you really need to be seen, you will be.
Tomorrow he is doing a complete blood work up and requesting my files from my other doctor.  He is going to be stunned with all the prescriptions as he has no affiliations with any drug companies and doesn't allow them in his office.  If there is a holistic way to heal something then that is tried first then prescriptions.  He was shocked at the levels of medication I take for my anxiety and depression and said I truly need to practice meditation daily a few times a day will make it easier for me to learn.  He also suggests jogging and yoga.

Well I am interested to see where this new chapter in my life leads me, a healther me could mean a happier me, what next??????
NAP TIME!!! lol  too cold out side and in here going to go to my bed later peeps btw looking for yule ornament Ideas!


Vicky said...

Sounds like the new dr could be what you are looking for, fingers crossed!!

BeMistified said...

Yay new doctor, especially one that doesn't like the prescriptions! :D

Wendy said...

I know how difficult it is to start new meds, add/subtract dosages and finding the right Dr. to stand by you and give you wisdom that just feels right. Wishing you blessings and much light, Autumn :0

Mel said...

So glad to hear the new doc sounds like your kind of treatment.

Just remember, antidepressants can be a dependant drug... so don't stop all your meds at once as you may get really sick!
*hugs* my dear.

Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome! I'm so glad you found a Doctor that's concentrating on you instead of money!

Dede said...

I am so keeping my fingers crossed that this doctor will be the one to help you! I am in search of a new one myself and it isn't easy finding a good doctor, one that just doesn't want to push pills. Wising you all the best with your blood work!
